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A descent into the pits of heck.

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My health issues are KILLING ME! No, really. They are.

I'm starting to wonder if being on various hospital's records-are-online feature is a driving force to that odd craziness many have these days. Don't get me wrong, it's great to demonstrate to my wife that I don't have a sodium issue (I don't, but good health says keep it low, and it's circling the drain at the low end of normal) but rvery time I have a test, the resultant statements are a bit crazy. Apparently, my last chest x-ray, like the one years ago, shows what is likely an issue with


Dannik in Health

COVID19 First Dose - Done

So I just got back from getting my first dose of the Moderna vaccine for COVID19. Second injection recommended by my doctor in 3-4 weeks, but without major health issues, the dosing clinic will only book four months between doses. Gah. Still, step one taken.


Dannik in Health

Question for a very narrow group

First off, a bit of background. I use a left-handed MMO mouse, and I have some palsy in my right hand. This is a very minor, but relevant thing. I'm thinking of purchasing an Azeron handset for my right hand, and I have chosen this company partially because they will accommodate my needs. The question I have is since I don't have the luxury of trying out a demo model, and they are a bit expensive, are they worth it functionally, as a keyboard replacement for a gamer? I'm not concerned with


Dannik in Gaming

Speed much?

So a young man, nineteen, and his pal in the passenger seat.also nineteen, decide to take dad's Mercedes out "racing.". Figuring the highways are quiet, it'll be fun. They were pulled over doing 308km/h. That's about 191mp/h.



Looking for compy help

So I have an (start laughing) FM1 chip & A75 board; it is very much time to upgrade, but as someone with a fixed income, money is very tight. So, I need some advice. I'm planning on upgrading to a Ryzen, looking at a 2600X and a B450 board. I figure I can get both for about $325, leaving me to buy 16G of RAM, and maybe an M.2 drive to boot from. I should, but don't require, a case and PSU, since I have an RX580/8G I can pull and swap out with another card in my old rig.    



Harpy Crimbo.

First, a disclaimer: I'm not concerned if you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, The Drinking of Beers, The Fall of Max Gruber, or anything else. I hope you find a wondrous place & time, here & now. With  family, friends, alone, strangers, it doesn't matter as long as you find some degree of joy. Life can be complex and challenging. Don't let that overtake you, at this special adjunct. Live a little. Go ahead, dance like nobody is watching, or like everyone is staring. It doesn't matter



Too young

My wife told me about a celebrity chef dying. She didn't recall the name, initially. Then, she said Carl Ruiz. It took me a moment to figure out why that name was so familiar, then it hit me. That was Carl "The Cuban" Ruiz, of Food Network fame. It took me a moment to find out his cause of death, and I was put off by what I discovered. He had died of a heart attack while away from home. This wasn't a shock, as he was a bit of a hard hitter. What was the shock was that he was younger than me. Not



Too Close

First, the good news: they are non-life threatening injuries. Second, the Bad News: two people shot, Monday around 4:30PM, about a kilometre west of my home. To add insult to injury (hah!) this was the third shooting in the city today. The first two were late Sunday night/early Monday. Boo.



Why does it come with a remote?

So, after four years or so, I got a new hearing aid today. For those who may not know, I've had nerve "deafness" in my right ear for eight or nine years.    Anyway, after a hearing test and a forming session last month, my insurance said "go for it" and I picked up a new hearing aid today. Besides being intensely blue, which the med. tech was very excited about, my aid came with a set of tools, and of all things, a remote to set volume. I'm still trying to figure out why. Sounds g



Stroke! Stroke! Er...

So my mother had a stroke, on February 8, 2017. She's okay, mostly, just a bit weak on one side and with some memory issues. Strange, the same thing happened to me seven years ago. Of course, living 200km away from home, and being in a wheelchair, I can't exactly pop by and see her. Funny.



Carrie Fisher died today.

So Carrie Fisher died today. As an actress I knew of her, but it was her work in mental health that was most prevalent to me. My wife was tearbound at the news. I was stoic, like usual. Good old stoicism. I died a little myself, on the inside, but damn, I'm not going to show it. I will miss you, Carrie. 



Christmas again.

It's a few days before Christmas. Another one. The malls are a nightmare, and I have (of all things) an MRI on Boxing Day, at a Catholic hospital (don't ask, I just am used to it). My wife, who usually goes an hour or two away to spend Christmas with her family is taking a shorter trip this year, partially due to my appointment and partially due to her parents selling their big house for a smaller condo.  Merry Christmas, everybody. I'll just sit here quietly and not watch the plethora of C



Back. Sorta.

So, I decided to re-open this beast. Mostly because it was the bestest place to post my thoughts. I hate everything. See? Merry Crimbo!



New Location and Assorted Madness

I had a few blogs; differing enough to lead me to separate them. No more. I have one, now, and anything I can think of now has a home. It's a different technology that any other I operated, but the very common WordPress tech behind it. It's at Any Luck at the moment. The hosting is a thank you from a friend. Rocky has been more than supportive here. It was just time to move one thing overdramatically to somewhere else.



Steam Sale 2012

If your wallet isn't smoking after visiting the Steam Store before this coming Christmas Day, your games list must be impressive. Featuring such deals as Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Complete Pack, currently at 75% off (OGR trilogy, GRAW 1&2) you can't go very wrong. The deals will probably get even better closer to the sale's end, if history repeats.



Go boom

So I fell down again, this time just trying to get dressed. Luckily it was a slow fall, and I landed squarely with my tailbone on the tile floor, but without anything unpleasant breaking my fall, so I shouldn't have any surprise bruising tomorrow. Every now and then I guess subconsciously I need a reminder that i'm still broken.



A new toy, sort of.

Remember this? May, huh. A long time ago. Well, yesterday I arranged for the bulk of a new system to be purchased. I'm now just a couple of drives (the computer kind) away from a nice new system. Cooler Master 371 case with a Thermaltake TR2 500W power supply to start with. The motherboard is a Gigabyte A75M-S2V (built to last, with USB 2.0 & 3.0 ports), 2x4GB (8GB total) Patriot DDR3 1600 memory, and an AMD A83870K Quad Core APU w/Radeon HD6550D. Part 2 is the drives, and if I can




I forgot I even had this. It's almost ten years old. The Rooster by Dannik, on Flickr



Minor surgery in the morning

I have my diurnal gastric day patient surgery in the morning on July 6, due to a scheduling mishap. I typically go in every late June & November. It's incredibly minor; the set-up and breakdown takes longer than the procedure, but it's all done through imaging (x-rays) so the doctor can see the tube & the contrast while they work. I also recently met with my Specialist in Ocular Plastics (eye surgeon who closed my eyelid) recently, and she was trying very hard not to say my closed ey



My computer has given of the blue smoke.

My computer has given of the blue smoke. some will grok. Nine years ago. Right about when Hyperthreading was brand new and RDRRAM was going to do something involving questionable ethics & seafood. Those went well, I note.



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