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Norwegian Insanity!

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Moving on..

Well, what's new? Been single (yet again) for at least a month now.. For once it doesn't involve constant pain - I actually feel pretty good. Buying a new PC helped.. Finally I'm able to play high-end games again! Although I spend most of my gaming time on World of Warcraft (Undead Rogue FTW) and Titan Quest.. And I'm completely hooked on the GRAW2 PC demo, so I'll be adding that to my collection as soon as payday comes. If I get enough cash rolling in, I'll even invest in some paintball gear



Monthly Update?

Hello, and welcome to yet another edition of "Day's Life". Quit my current job - just two more nights this weekend to go - so next week I'll start strolling around a nearby mall instead. I'll miss all the 'action' I get into by working night shifts in Oslo, but it's well worth it for the more social hours and reduced weekend-working. Got my Supra running again after getting a new turbo again, luckily covered by the warranty, then decided to sell it. It's proving more difficult than I expec



It's Too Dang Early

Urgh.. 1330 is too early for me to get out of bed. Anyways... So I tried World of Warcraft a few months back, and got positively hooked. It's probably one of the best MMORPGs I've ever played, and I've done a few. Made me miss Star Wars Galaxies - damn you Sony and your New Game Experience! Sadly, I don't have a lot of time to play inbetween work, day-to-day errands, Christina and all the other stuff I play; so my human rogue is still only level 29. Haven't been logged in for weeks now.. If a



Annual Update.. Apparently

Funny how I always set out to blog on a regular basis, yet end up having these huge gaps between entries. My fingers are itching again, so the one or two (possibly imaginary) persons who enjoy reading this - enjoy. Where to begin.. At the most recent events, I suppose. I just finished Rainbow Six Vegas on the XBox 360 - and what a great ride it was. I've barely been able to put the controller down for the past week or two since I bought it. Sure, it's nothing like ye olde Rainbow Six and Rogu



My turbo is dead

Well, I have been saying for the past months that it's only a matter of time before I destroy something on my current car. On Friday, it finally happened. I was cruising along in my beloved Supra when the turbo suddenly failed to boost. Instead, it started sounding like a police car siren. Shortly afterwards, oil pressure dropped to almost nothing. Crap. Went to the local Toyota shop today, the chief mechanic called a couple of other mechanics and tuners and they all said the turbo's most lik



My turbo is single, yet I am not...

Single, that is. Ne-ne-ne-ne-nee-nee. L33t grilfreind for teh win!!11!1 Oh, and I spent the last couple of nights at her place, hence the break in the daily blogging. And she makes good food. Anyway, off to work again. Stupid vacation ends today.



Best. Birthdayparty. Ever.

Well, as I stated in the previous entry: "Funny how nothing ever turns out the way I planned." How very true. Except, this time I was actually "planning" (ie. expecting) a pretty lousy night, so when things turn out the exactly opposite, it's actually a good thing. Who'da thunk it? The party got a somewhat late start compared to what I was planning on, with the first people being on site with alcohol in hand at roughly 2000 (Saturday). Over the next couple of hours, the numbers kept growin




in·som·ni·a n. Chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time. My plan was to hit the sack early tonight, maybe around 0100-0200. Funny how nothing ever turns out the way I planned. It's now 0435 and I'm still up. Thanks to a quick one hour skirmish in Company of Heroes and having to listen to "just one more song". I really need to get some self-control. Usually, sitting up late isn't a problem for me, but I have lots to do tomorrow. Have to be up at



Sometimes, I surprise even myself

Guess who haven't been feeling depressed at all today? I have no idea what caused this remarkable turn-around. Or, well, actually I might have an idea. After reading the title and the first two sentences, you might think I'm surprised that I'm feeling okay again. The truth is, I'm surprised of how utterly stupid and brainless I'm capable of being. I think I'm falling for my one of my ex's best friends. That's not the stupid part, though. Here goes: This one isn't even single. Well, she i



I hate..

..how I keep forgetting to actually publish the blog entries until the day after I wrote them.



One year older, not much wiser

22 years old. Yay me. A pretty uneventful birthday so far, but I guess that's normal when the big party isn't until the weekend. Oh well. I know I'm not getting what I want anyway. Last night's drinking binge actually worked after a while. Woohoo. Would be great to repeat the success, but I really have to save what little alcohol I have left for the aforementioned party. Payday's still a few weeks off.



I am Day's perpetual lovesickness

Well, thought I'd give intoxication an attempt today. Y'know, the old drowning-your-sorrows-in-booze trick. Guess what? It doesn't work. In fact, it now seems alcohol only multiplies the pain. I seriously have no idea what to do. Good thing is, doing nothing works well enough. Everything turns out okay (or 'acceptable', at least) in the end, with no need for my or anyone else's intervention. It's a comforting thought. Of course, I exist now, not tomorrow or next week. Now. And 'now', incident



Sunday is Hangover Day

As per usual, my intuition was spot on. I got to see yesterday's pizza rewind itself out of my stomach and unto the ground. That's what you get from loads of beer and Vodka. I really think the Samboca was what pushed me over the edge though. I've never been that sick before - not from drinking anyway. Dang, my throat hurts. Guess it's natural when you've been vomiting for a couple of hours straight. Fortunately, I was comatose most of the time. Other than that, it was a great night. Got to kn



Weekend: 50% Complete

Saturday already. Sleep deprived, again. Back from work yesterday morning, ended up sleeping three hours in the afternoon. Drove some excessively drunk friends around, home at 0530, played Company of Heroes until 10 or something. Up at 1400. Four hours, yay, got a bonus one today. Oh well. At least my lack of sleep will really speed things up once I start throwing down beer and vodka tonight. Less sleep = less alcohol needed for stupid drunken-ness = more money back to spend on other things.




What the title says. After I added my previous blog entry ('Quasi-Return of the Goat-Whale'), I kept wondering why it didn't show up in the 'Last Entries' list. Surely it couldn't be that it was just a draft, I vividly remember selecting "Add this entry as... Published" and I could see it whenever I accessed the blog. Nor did it say anywhere that it was a draft, and not a published entry. "Must've broken something again", I thought, cursing my unrelenting ability to damage, break and/or utter



Quasi-Return of the Goat-Whale

God.. It's been awhile.. Again. And I do think I broke something in here (see first blog entry) At least, the last entry I made here says June 2006, but I'm pretty sure that was in '05 seeing as how I claim to be unemployed still. Oh well.. Random thoughts and updates: -Got a job in August last year which I still have. Finally fulfilled my child-hood dream of becoming a rent-a-cop. Securitas lead the way! Or something.. Great stuff though, getting paid for just driving around from 2130-0



Uhh... Goat?!

Wow... Time flies. Didn't realize I haven't written a blog piece since last year. No idea how long it's been since I dropped off the face of the forums again. Seems I don't have the attention span to stick around that long at a time :huh:Truth is, I get easily sidetracked by other things, and reading/writing on a forum only works as the primary passtime for so long. That's not to say that I don't like these forums or its inhabitants (that would be you, whoever you are, who's reading this), but



The Only Good Virus...

...is a dead virus. Dang, I thought I was done with this sort of stuff, with XP's built-in firewall and GIANT AntiSpyware. The latter really is an excellent product and it cleaned out a load of spyware (as well as a few trojans) the first time I ran it. Until now, it's stopped every single spyware, adware, trojan and virus that's tried to install itself on my rig.Until today, that is.Out of the blue, I had a million Internet Explorer windows popping up as soon as I went into my start page (Googl



Yawn, continued.

I'm starting to miss the sun. Today I didn't get up until 1900. At least I get to stay up late and watch all the good shows on satelite. Reality TV rocks.I missed the dentist's appointment yesterday. Funny how you can register the alarm clock going off, shut it down and go back to sleep and then not remember any of it when you wake up six hours later. I do that all the time. Good news is I didn't have to pay for missing it. I just got a letter telling me to get in touch if I wanted to reschedule




Urgh.. Got up at 1700 yesterday (that's what you get for going to bed at 0800) and didn't get to catch a single Z again until after noon today. Sure, 20 hours is far from the longest I've been awake, but when combined with several hours worth of driving in the middle of the night and insanely boring waits in hospitals (the final three-hour one was the worst), it becomes quite taxing.But then again, what's a guy to do when the lady gets ill? At least they might have figured out what it is now (an



Saturday - The Aftermath

Woah..I've never been that drunk before. Quite an eye-opener. I never realized that skating down an iced sidewalk while the world twists and turns in all sorts of directions could be so fun. Good thing that signpost stopped me before I flew into the road or something.I even got to talk to the aforementioned goth ladies. Strangely enough, the missus wasn't too keen on the idea of a 'menage a troi'. Go figure :blink:The part where I almost vomited was less amusing, though. Note to self: Drink slig



Friday - Time To Do Stupid Things

I really should do something about my current way of living. I've been unemployed since I got discharged, which is almost four months ago. During this time, I've begun life as a pseudo-vampire, ie. I go to bed somewhere between 0500 and 0900, and then proceed to sleep 'till somewhere between 1500 and 1800. Repeat ad nauseam.I'm starting to realise that this might not be the wisest thing to do, considering I only have six months worth of unemployment benefits. Then.. They stop giving me money for



Testing.. 1, 2... This thing on..?

Wow.. Nice place. Muchos gracias to Meeester Rocky for letting me into this seventh heaven of forum goodness Here's hoping I don't break something.Cheers



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