So *today I got up extra early out of my warm bed to dig holes in a field.My cousins, mums, friend is a nature lover and a current project of hers is growing a forest, so naturally, being the more-than-fantastic guy I am i said i'd help out.So there I was, in the bitter cold, doing my good deed towards nature by planting the 'dogwood' species of tree, and I planted around 50. Now, in 30 years time I can take my children to the forest and say "Dad helped to grow all these trees," That's if there
Today was fairly boring, I had one lesson at school, which was psychology (Criminal psychology to be more precise), so all you wanna be criminals had better watch out, I am now trained in absolutely nothing to do with stopping criminals.....I walked home 5 miles, because I was bored at school and having no lessons, on my journey my dad just happened to be driving by, this was lucky as he had the key to the house, and I didn't.Once I got back, Beans in the pot > heat and stir untill sauce has
Welcome comrades.It seems while i've been gone Sart has attempted to appoint himself as the main lazy guy round here. I would tell him, but I think i'll just ignore him the old fashioned way and eat pies.Love and kisses.Mac