Sunday, what a day. Overcast and looking like it's going to pore down. Must be an Army ex on on somewhere. After all this hot weather we've had (ref Snow's Blog) I'm glad for cooler temperatures. Had a good sleep last night got 6 hours sleep- thats a record for this week and with 3 days off-will need all that sleep I had as well. Looking forward to Tuesday night so we can have our weekly bash at VBS1. (Note more often than not it ends up being more than one or two nights a week). Working
18 Month Anniversary with Girfriend And I'm stuck at work Such is life. Had some good games with Dekela and 30G last night. Got stuck into some quick missions.Laid some nice ambushes, brought the OPFOR right into a kill sack and let em have it. Dek's with a supressed M4 and myself with a good oversight with a Sniper system the Aussie SR-98 (based on the AI AW). Took out a section fairly easily actually I between Dek's and msyeld we also sorted any runners that decied to turn tail after most
Oh the fun of work. 1324 hrs....Sun is out and I'm stuck in an office on LVL16.... Guess I can't complain though will go home to my PC and VBS1. Probably see who's about- and go and slot some OPFOR. Starting to get very good with the ole M-4 rifle regularly make kills with it on first shot now at varying ranges. It's no wonder I'm getting good at it with it being the only PC based thing I've used since I got VBS1. Not even LO-MAC has had a look since. Apart from that 18 Month anniversary tomo