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General ravings about modding

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Another update

As in the previous update, seems there isn't much ppl that are interested...or as suggested there isn't many ppl that know about these blogs.I've atleast had some time to continue my texturing efforts and I'm probably starting to come up to the halfway mark on it now.Tuesday 30th NovMost detail in at the front of the hull has been done, mainly the sides and rear left to paint. If you are wondering about the dark patches ontop of the hull they are supposed to be slip resistant panels, pretty much



Progress report

hehe...seems the interest for this is kinda low, can't say that surprises me though.Anyways, got a tiny little bit of free time today and started the texture for what will become SWEBAT's last vehicle. Pretty much just base colour and a few details added in so far, apart from the turrets texture that I copied in from the PBV302 model.Thursday, 25th Nov, texture started. Only minor details addedWith any luck I'll get a few hours in on the texture tomorrow, if I manage to squeeze it in between chr



Finally getting some more work done!

Due to some unforseen circumstances (babysitting the step granddaughter and getting dragged around the shops by the wife )the work on the Patgb203 was at a standstill there for 2 days but I'm finally back in the swing of things.She's now fully mapped and just waiting for some tender touches in photoshop.Wed, 24th Nov...plain white texture with the edges visible.And this is what I have to paint over...and try to keep track of what all the little parts are (Scaled back from 1024x1024)Should ge



Another lovely day at Woolies....NOT

Today has been yet another pretty ######ty day at work, not that it's unbareably warm any more but simply because I had to do an extra long shift. 11 grueling hours packing boxes, starting at 4AM, can get anyone in a bad mood...especially when the ppl you work next to are lazy bas*ards and you have to carry a fairly big part of their workload too Haven't had much time for the vehicle model today but I've atleast started mapping it in preparation for painting a texture.Sun, 21st Nov, mapping ha



Another stinking warm day in Sydney!

Well, as the title says, it's been another stinking warm day here in Sydney. Yesterday we had temperatures heading up around 43C (109F for all who use that) and it hasn't been much better today with temps in the high 30's. Might be all well and good if you can stay indoors and next to the airconditioner but I've had to work inside a warehouse that acts like a huge baking oven...somehow it keeps all the heat and moisture in and it gets nearly unbareable. For all the Aussies around...there are s



Finally spat the dummy...lol

Well, as some might of seen I finally spat the dummy in the forums, the starship troopers thread for those who haven't read it but might be interested.It's just been brewing in me all to long to hold back now. To add to that...just wish the ppl jumping me on PM or MSN almost daily asking when something I'm working on will be finished would understand that the time I take answering them could acctually be used to cut down their waiting time. Getting slightly fed up with "when will it be released"



First blog

Here goes, first entry into something like this. Don't be expecting anything mindboggling though, don't have much of a mind left that can spawn something like that. Day after my 28th Bthday and it started well, NOT. Had just that little bit to much to drink last night and it felt like someone was standing behind me smacking me over the head with a baseball bat when I woke up. Self induced though so I can't really complain about it, no one would listen even if I did...LOLNow for something that



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