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CMS This!

So, I decided to make a CMS. Kinda stupid since there are about 20 really great free ones out there, plus IPS is making to snap into IPB. Then I decided to do it differently. I hate dealing with logins so I'm not making an Administration part (that will last for about a week). I'm not going to have it use a database. It will have the ability to use multiple skins which different for each page. Gonna have to keep the whole content block concept though.How do I do this you ask? Have all the



It's an experience!

Welcome to my Blog. Yes, some of you may actually get to learn something about me. What you will mostly see here is my adventures in web design, coding, programming, graphics, modding, and some other things I can't remember (see what happens when you know how to do too many things). If you pay attention you may even catch some works in progress for this site or others you may visit. So sit back and enjoy me being all over the place.



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