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Progress report

hehe...seems the interest for this is kinda low, can't say that surprises me though.Anyways, got a tiny little bit of free time today and started the texture for what will become SWEBAT's last vehicle. Pretty much just base colour and a few details added in so far, apart from the turrets texture that I copied in from the PBV302 model.Thursday, 25th Nov, texture started. Only minor details addedWith any luck I'll get a few hours in on the texture tomorrow, if I manage to squeeze it in between chr



Finally getting some more work done!

Due to some unforseen circumstances (babysitting the step granddaughter and getting dragged around the shops by the wife )the work on the Patgb203 was at a standstill there for 2 days but I'm finally back in the swing of things.She's now fully mapped and just waiting for some tender touches in photoshop.Wed, 24th Nov...plain white texture with the edges visible.And this is what I have to paint over...and try to keep track of what all the little parts are (Scaled back from 1024x1024)Should ge



Ghost Recon 2.

I'm not sure where I stand. As a PC gamer primarily, I had to eval GR2 on a console I do own, but do not, as a rule, play FPS games on.Level design? Dodgy. So many maps, so little variance. Only four of the SP maps differ from the 'generic woodlands' style, as I recall. Those four are well designed, but I miss Embasy, or a similar style. Other than a couple of hangars, there are no buildings that one enters. Sure, I know the military unit in question does not do much CQB by design, but as



Sunday Gameing Fun!!

I went to a mates house yesterday to do s ome studying. After about 3 hours we got bored ######less. So he jumped onto the internet and bownloaded the demo of BattleField 1942: Secrets weapons of WWII expansion.While it was downloading, i played some Hitman 3: Contracts. Yeah, damn fun game. Seamed more dark and violent, and less kind of righteous that Hitman 2, but still danm fun. Lotsa good weapons, and sneaky sneaky stuff.He has a coupla computers on a LAN, so we jumped on when BF was ready.



somebody's got a case of the mondays

Monday.Usually comes before tuesday, after sunday.I had grand plans to sleep in today, tommorrows exam will be easy, and i had a coupla late nights over the weekend. But nooooooo, cant let that happen.House over the road, and next door, are both having building work done. So i get woken up by bangs and crashes, cars and doors slamming.Yay. Its going to be 38-42 degrees (Celcius) today, nice and toasty, So i gotta spend today doin study, in the heat, with the ambient background noise of bui



Rocky wins at Mosport!

Today I won my first ever Nascar race in Red Sector's Racing League! I don't usually even come close, but today I was on fire! I won the qualifier but some strange quirk of fate put me to the back of the starting line up. Undeterred I managed to make my way to the front and take the race. Teammate NYR came in 3rd, so that was two GRNET racers in the top 3!Great stuff.



Another lovely day at Woolies....NOT

Today has been yet another pretty ######ty day at work, not that it's unbareably warm any more but simply because I had to do an extra long shift. 11 grueling hours packing boxes, starting at 4AM, can get anyone in a bad mood...especially when the ppl you work next to are lazy bas*ards and you have to carry a fairly big part of their workload too Haven't had much time for the vehicle model today but I've atleast started mapping it in preparation for painting a texture.Sun, 21st Nov, mapping ha




Sunday, what a day. Overcast and looking like it's going to pore down. Must be an Army ex on on somewhere. After all this hot weather we've had (ref Snow's Blog) I'm glad for cooler temperatures. Had a good sleep last night got 6 hours sleep- thats a record for this week and with 3 days off-will need all that sleep I had as well. Looking forward to Tuesday night so we can have our weekly bash at VBS1. (Note more often than not it ends up being more than one or two nights a week). Working



Your Mechanic

As a mechanic, I have noticed lots of things, but these always take the cake. This also depends on if you work at a service station, quick lube shop or a regular garage/dealer, but happen all the time at any of them, some more often as the others.I still have yet to figure out why people will show up 20 minutes to a half hour before opening time and expect someone to wait on them. I may get to work a half hour early, but that is the time I use to finish waking up, get some caffiene into me and r




18 Month Anniversary with Girfriend And I'm stuck at work Such is life. Had some good games with Dekela and 30G last night. Got stuck into some quick missions.Laid some nice ambushes, brought the OPFOR right into a kill sack and let em have it. Dek's with a supressed M4 and myself with a good oversight with a Sniper system the Aussie SR-98 (based on the AI AW). Took out a section fairly easily actually I between Dek's and msyeld we also sorted any runners that decied to turn tail after most



YOTM part 2

The YOTM dev team was (and is still) looking for mission scripters. I volunteered, sent in a mission from my Stalker V1 - Op.:Desperate Cry Total Conversion for testing and today I got the "go" from BlakeStalker= :blush:I hope Blake won't shoot me for that



Another stinking warm day in Sydney!

Well, as the title says, it's been another stinking warm day here in Sydney. Yesterday we had temperatures heading up around 43C (109F for all who use that) and it hasn't been much better today with temps in the high 30's. Might be all well and good if you can stay indoors and next to the airconditioner but I've had to work inside a warehouse that acts like a huge baking oven...somehow it keeps all the heat and moisture in and it gets nearly unbareable. For all the Aussies around...there are s



NYR in GRnet Chatroom

Wandered into the GRnet room today, to find Peter Sekula, a level designer at RSE, and NYR chatting away.What NYR said to me after Mr Sekula left: Like a little boy in a lollie shop




Oh the fun of work. 1324 hrs....Sun is out and I'm stuck in an office on LVL16.... Guess I can't complain though will go home to my PC and VBS1. Probably see who's about- and go and slot some OPFOR. Starting to get very good with the ole M-4 rifle regularly make kills with it on first shot now at varying ranges. It's no wonder I'm getting good at it with it being the only PC based thing I've used since I got VBS1. Not even LO-MAC has had a look since. Apart from that 18 Month anniversary tomo



Finally spat the dummy...lol

Well, as some might of seen I finally spat the dummy in the forums, the starship troopers thread for those who haven't read it but might be interested.It's just been brewing in me all to long to hold back now. To add to that...just wish the ppl jumping me on PM or MSN almost daily asking when something I'm working on will be finished would understand that the time I take answering them could acctually be used to cut down their waiting time. Getting slightly fed up with "when will it be released"



First blog

Here goes, first entry into something like this. Don't be expecting anything mindboggling though, don't have much of a mind left that can spawn something like that. Day after my 28th Bthday and it started well, NOT. Had just that little bit to much to drink last night and it felt like someone was standing behind me smacking me over the head with a baseball bat when I woke up. Self induced though so I can't really complain about it, no one would listen even if I did...LOLNow for something that



Puzzle for the Master Minds

While doing some fun fun fun accouting revision, i amused myself reading the various tidbits of graffiti in my work book.One bit has me intrigued though. Its on the card board backing, and is written in black texta, my hand writing.its says:Sofort TrockendGod knows what it means. Im trying to remember if its an acronym or something.Anyone have any ideas? PS (another cool thing someone told me, Mad Like Insane is an acronym for my name )



CMS This!

So, I decided to make a CMS. Kinda stupid since there are about 20 really great free ones out there, plus IPS is making to snap into IPB. Then I decided to do it differently. I hate dealing with logins so I'm not making an Administration part (that will last for about a week). I'm not going to have it use a database. It will have the ability to use multiple skins which different for each page. Gonna have to keep the whole content block concept though.How do I do this you ask? Have all the



It's an experience!

Welcome to my Blog. Yes, some of you may actually get to learn something about me. What you will mostly see here is my adventures in web design, coding, programming, graphics, modding, and some other things I can't remember (see what happens when you know how to do too many things). If you pay attention you may even catch some works in progress for this site or others you may visit. So sit back and enjoy me being all over the place.



GR2 Xbox

Ya know what kinda sucks.... GR2 Xbox is shipping today.... lucky console players.... I hope they have fun...its gonna be a tough few more months. If you haven't noticed already my blog is extremly boring.



Little known facts about me

I am of the female gender classification. I was born and raised in WI. I am a middle child from a family of 8 kids. I grew up on a dairy farm. We had lots of cows, pigs, chickens, cats and dogs. I left home when I was 14.... no I didn't join the circus. At the tender age of 12 I went deer hunting with a rifle and got a 6 point buck. I was a turboprop engine mechanic while in the Air Force. While in the air force I shot "marksman" on my M16 qualifications. I enjoy target



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