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98% of teenagers have.......

I noticed there is an increasing amount of members who have this quote in their signature: 98% of teenagers have tried smoking pot OR drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your Signature..But I think there's only Dan and me who have the 98% of teenagers have tried smoking pot OR drinking. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy this and put it in your Signature. quote in their sig. Are there any others?



Finished Deception Point

This book was different from Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons, but the same. It was the same because Dan Brown obviously has a formula and he is sticking to it. Take one male lead, one female shadow, one mystery bad guy only unmasked in the last few pages, and add 3 or 4 other lightweight characters. Mix in a plot revolving around a current "hot" or "in" topic, and that's a Dan Brown book. Deception Point has all those. What is doesn't have which makes it different, is the multiple twists and



The stupidity continues *sigh*

Gotta love how people flex their "e-muscles", ie. the ultimatums and threats now rampant on the UBI GR2 Console forums....OMG'z!!! UBI sUkZors, nO pAhct Liers!!!. Gotta love the people who claim to have returned the game, but still won't stop acting like a fool, arguing over and over, thinking there is some giant consipracy being played out by RSE and Ubi. This blog may end up becoming the "Anti-UBI Forum Posters" Blog....I now know why devs. would be extremely hesistant to post anything, you g



Car repair bills

I've had the same BMW for about 7 years now, so I am used to the servicing bills. I get it serviced at the official BMW dealership because they are thorough and if they make a mistake (like they do), they do tend to react positively to my complaint, unlike a back street garage that might be more inclined to give me the run around.When it went in for it's oil service recently I got them to replace a smashed fog lamp lense while it was in. I priced the lens and knew it was £40, and guessed that fi



20 August 2005

20 August 2005:Ghost Recon 2 gets released. I hurry to the store and buy a copy and a pc games magazine. Before I start playing it, I read the magazine and I am not surprised of the 90% GR2 got. Then I start playing ......13 September 2008:..... still playing ........



The new media

We're the new media. Yep, fansite operators are the new, true games journalists. We're the ones who hunt, pry, beg and borrow any leads we can, in our own spare time, out of a desire to learn and share.The big companies always have the upper hand though. Why? They don't earn information, they don't seek it, they merely pay the right people in the right way, sit back, and watch the "news" roll in. Sanitized, sanctioned, and utterly unearned.Of course, this just mirrors the regular news media



Wow...just wow

The past 3-4 days I have been totally amazed by the complete and utter chaos which are the UBI run forums for both GR2 and R6:4. The amount of useless, out of line posts that are allowed to continue, it makes your head spin. The things that ###### me off the most aren't just the people who have been banned before returning (and I mean 4-5 accounts *sigh*), its those who think the games are rushed (I guess two years of work is is too little??) and bug ridden, or that nothing this "poorly done"



Dan Brown's Deception Point

Today I've made a big dent in Deception Point. If reading a book was like going for a walk, up until today I'd been out for a leisurely stroll. The book really did not have the pace of the other two I've read. Now I am entering the final third of the book though, I'm out on a full blown sprint. It's really starting to pick up pace now.It's definately the slowest starter of the three, I'm not sure if this was his first or second book. If I had read this one first I probably would not have gone o



Festival summer 2005

As some of you may know music is a big and important part on my life. Last year I was on a rock/metal festival for the first time. It was a blast. I will never forget it. Most of my favourite bands were there: Slipknot, Metallica, Korn, Static-X, Soulfly, Hatebreed...This year I am going to visit such festivals again for sure:Here are two:http://www.aerodrome.at/http://www.novarock.at/Some photos from the Aerodrome 2004 are available here:http://www.wiesen-fans.org/coppermine/thum...album=12&



2 pics of myself

Originally these two pics were only for zjj. But now you all can see it.These were taken on my skiing holiday a week ago.http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v337/Sta...ks/PICT0058.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v337/Sta...ks/PICT0060.jpg




Great news today as I read that a last week Microsoft announced they will not be charging Windows XP SP2 owners to use their great antispyware tool. It really goes against my grain to think I'd have to pay for something to stay clear of rubbish like spyware invading my system through sneak tactics. So this was a really welcome surprise.What made me laugh though was news that in the same week Microsoft made this announcement, they had to pay out and publically apologise to a website that was wron



16 hrs shift and a driving ticket

Last friday I pulled a 16hrs shift at the hospital. I wake up at 4:30AM, no coffee, forgot my Redbull in the fridge, got to work, immediately assigned to surgery.BBBBooooorrrriiing!!!!First 8hrs was hectic, (but borrrringg) and I thought my next 8 would be in ER.NNNOOOTTT.Entire 16 hrs devoted to saving ppls lives. I do my usual over the top, above and beyond duties in surgery.By 10pm I'm wishing I never left my Redbull.What did I get to eat the whole time I'm in surgery? Snickers.Come punch



Walter II

When we first brought him home I was baffled by his ignorance of stairs. But we decided it was a good thing, because it kept him out of half the house and we were still learning to trust him. Eventually we helped him figure it out. After we moved his bed upstairs, he learned to fly up the stairs in no time. For the first few weeks he would basically jump up the stairs and only land on a couple of them, then he started to vary it depending on how excited he was about going up. Carpeted stairs are



I came, I saw, I blogged

OK. So here I am blogging away. Not quite sure what I want to do with this thing.Some screens of models I've made.RAH-66 ComancheDauphinKamov Ka-50 HokumEH-101 MerlinRooivalk



Dan Brown Books

I've just finished my 2nd Dan Brown book - Angels and Demons. The first one I read (in record time) was The Da Vinci code.The Da Vinci Code is an amazing book, it tells a fascinating fictional story based around factual locations and societys. The massive interest in the book spawned a whole Da Vinci Code industry that has spawned countless other books that investigate the contents and try to separate the fact from the fiction. Sony are going to be distributing the movie based on the book someti




So a few months ago we adopted a greyhound. He was a racer but really a loser so off the track he goes. If he didn't get adopted, he would certainly get dead as they don't really care to house and feed losers. Well we always wanted a greyhound and now that our youngest daughter is off to college we thought, "Hey, let's replace her with a hound." She was thrilled to hear of our thought process, but by then it was too late and Walter was in the house. He's a three year old who has never been anywh



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