Synopsis for GRAW 2 Custom Game Mode Advance And Secure
Your team is tasked with securing 3 objectives before the enemy. Only 1 objective is available at a time. The objective you must secure can be anything from a building, vehicle, asset, or personnel.
There are four (4) initial spawn points. Ghosts will spawn at 1 of the 4 spawn points, chosen at random. Rebels will spawn at 1 of the remaining 3 spawn points, chosen at random.
Each player is limited to 1 death per objective, and will respawn when an objective has been secured.
Dead players on the team that successfully secures the current objective will spawn at the objective.
Dead players on the team that fails to secure the current objective will spawn at 1 of the 4 initial spawn points, again chosen at random.
The team that successfully secures the current objective will get 3 points. If they kill all of the players on the opposing team, they will get 2 bonus points.
If the team that fails to secure the current objective has any surviving members, they will get 1 bonus point.
If all players are dead then match ends in a tie, regardless of how many points each team has earned.
No points are awarded for individual kills.
Due to this scoring system, it is still possible to win a match even if your team only secures 1 objective.
Classes & kits are standard MP kits, similar to TDM.
Each AAS map is made with 6 possible objectives. The first objective is chosen at random, then displayed as a waypoint marker on your HUD. After the first objective has been secured, the second objective is chosen at random from the 5 remaining objectives. The first waypoint marker disappears from your HUD, and the second waypoint marker appears. This is repeated for the third objective, which is chosen at random from the 4 remaining objectives.
In order to secure an objective, your entire team must occupy the objective area for 90 consecutive seconds.
If any member leaves the objective area the timer resets and will not restart until that player returns or gets killed.
If any member of the opposing team enters the objective area the timer resets and will not restart until that players leaves, gets killed, or kills the occupying force.
Each match lasts only 1 round, since spawns and objectives are chosen at random, and kits are limited to the standard MP classes & kits. No side has an advantage over the other.
Additional Features:
In addition to the waypoint marker, smoke plumes mark the location of the objectives. Once your entire team enters the objective area, the smoke plume will show blue smoke. If the enemy is occupying the objective, the smoke plume shows red smoke.
Simply unzip the file and install the 4 bundles into your custom_levels folder:
>>Fixed the issue of not spawning once the opponent has captured an objective. I changed the code (there was a typo that prevented players from spawning at 2 of the 4 locations)
>>The decimated team now gets a message saying "Your team has been decimated."
>>When the opposing team is decimated, the countdown timer still shows "90", but it counts down by 30's, so the zone is secured in only 3 seconds.
>>If the game ends because time ran out and no objectives were completed, the game ends in a tie.
>>If the game ends because time ran out and 1 objective was completed, the game ends in a tie.
>>If the game ends because time ran out and 2 objectives were completed, the winner is determined by score.
>>If the game ends because 3 objectives were completed, the winner is determined by score.
>>After every objective is completed, the round time resets to 20 minutes. So, if you decimate the opposing team, even if you wait until 5 seconds are left on the clock, once you secure the objective the round time will be reset. (This came up because someone suggested you could win a match by waiting until the last possible moment to secure the first objective. Then, the opposing team would not have an opportunity to score any points. Now, there is no way to "force" an outcome without playing for all 3 objectives.)