Add flashbangs to Ghost Recon
1336 |
28/10/14 |
EOTech M40GL Reticule
EOTech M40GL Reticule for GR
858 |
09/07/12 |
M24 Ballistic Rifle
Sniper Projectile Ballistics
1522 |
03/07/12 |
ACE High Resolution Reticles
Iron Sights,Combat Sights,Scopes
2342 |
25/04/11 |
Natsanwas Scar Pack
Scar weapon pack including mortar and new rets.
5079 |
10/09/08 |
HK Assault Special 2
89 new rifleman, sniper, demolitions and heavy weapons kits for GR1.
9719 |
08/04/08 |
M79 Grenade Launcher Mod
Adds a M79 Grenade Launcher to GR1.
2099 |
21/01/08 |
SG550 Sharpshooter
Various inovative weapons for Ghost Recon 1.
4225 |
13/01/08 |
HK Assault Special
A huge collection of HK weaponry for Ghost Recon 1
4477 |
13/01/08 |
F18 Strike
Use F18 strike calls using this mod!
5476 |
13/01/08 |
ACOG and Elcan reticles
ACOG and Elcan reticles for GR1 Modders to use.
1735 |
12/01/08 |
Steyr AUG F-88/GL
Steyr AUG F-88/GL for Ghost Recon 1
3042 |
09/01/08 |
Scoped Weapons
Adds scoped view to all scoped weapons in GR.
3046 |
09/01/08 |
Weapons Add On Pack
Weapons tweaked for realism.
3253 |
09/01/08 |
Special Ops Mod
23 new weapons for Ghost Recon 1
8567 |
08/01/08 |
All Out War
Custom weapons for Ghost Recon 1
2323 |
08/01/08 |
Star Trek Phasers Mod
A GR1 mod based on Star Trek: Enterprise, contains two weapons.
1586 |
08/01/08 |
Diemaco for Ghost Recon
1655 |
02/01/08 |
Several custom weapons for GR1
2104 |
02/01/08 |
Quake 3 Weapon Mod
Adds Quake 3 weapons to GR.
1491 |
01/01/08 |
Trance M4 for GR1
M4 weapons for GR1
2594 |
06/11/07 |
DVS1 Weapons for GR1
Over 20 custom weapons for Ghost Recon 1.
3561 |
23/10/07 |
Kalashnikov Armoury for GR1
12 AK variations for GR1
3443 |
08/09/07 |
LW15.499 Assault Rifle for GR1
LW15.499 Assault Rifle Modification
2014 |
08/09/07 |
M110 SASS sniper rifle for GR1
Adds the new M110 sniper rifle recently adopted by the US Army to GR1.
3824 |
26/08/07 |
Barrett Rifles (with BORS).
Many features including 9 barrett rifles and special BORS feature.
7737 |
13/08/07 |
Sniper Cannon 3
Amazing collection of weapons and new Hyper Stealth camo.
5859 |
31/07/07 |
Mk12 mod 0 (SPR) for GR.
This mod will add a Mk12 mod 0 (SPR) normal and SD to your sniper kit choices.
2236 |
26/06/07 |
ACOG reticles
A Pack of ten custom ACOG reticles for Ghost Recon fans.
1633 |
12/05/07 |
Sniper Cannon 2
32 custom weapons for Ghost Recon, including a flame thrower and AIR BURSTING GRENADES!
5650 |
04/03/07 |
Deks Weps
Many custom weapon models, now made available for the modding community use.
2636 |
13/12/06 |
Sniper Cannon
Sniper Cannon is a weapon mod, presenting nineteen of the most powerful rifles ever made.
7160 |
24/10/06 |
SOTO Plaster
Scout Sniper Team mod with an unbelievable list of weapons.
4606 |
25/09/06 |
Swartzsz Mini-mod
Great weapons by Swartsz
1682 |
24/09/06 |
Sniper Armoury
Sniper weapons and kits mod.
6478 |
07/09/06 |
Psycho Dads Weapons
Psycho Dads Weapons
3190 |
10/04/06 |
Colonial Marines Weaponry
Weapons from the Sci-Fi movie Aliens
3366 |
02/03/06 |
Swiss Special Forces
35 High Quality weapons, new kit icons, gattling gun, new shell ejections, SSF interface, and more!
4660 |
27/01/06 |
Weapons of War (WOW) v2.0
Great collection of new weapon models.
5747 |
05/01/06 |
This mod depicts the Polish Counter Terrorist Unit/Special Forces,formed with the aid of the US, back in the early 90s.
2173 |
05/11/05 |