Can I play Ghost Recon mods with the Steam version of Ghost Recon?
Installing and playing Ghost Recon Mods is easy with the Steam version because Steam installs the full game complete with the latest patch.
Here's the procedure, check the screenshots below to see how it works. In this example we are installing the Save Santa v3 mod by Tinker.
- Purchase Ghost Recon, Ghost Recon :Desert Siege and Ghost Recon : Island Thunder from Steam
- In Steam click the Install button for each of the 3 games in the order shown above
- Go to Ghost Recon Downloads or open your Ghost Recon Mods DVD and select the mod you wish to install
- Download the mod and extract the zip file to a location on your hardrive**
- Click on the new folder with all the mod files in it and right click and select Cut
- Now go to the Ghost Recon Mods folder, inside the Steam folder (see folder image below)
- Click into the Mods folder, then right click and select Paste
- You should now have a new folder inside the Mods folder named after the mod
- Launch Steam and Play Ghost Recon
- Go to the OPTIONS screen in Ghost Recon and click on the mod in the left window, then click ACTIVATE and it will move to the right window.
- You are now ready to play the mod. Depending on what type of mod it is you might need to start a New Campaign, or start a Quick Mission.
** If the mod installer is an exe file and not a zip file, just run the installer and let it install to your C drive, then go to your C drive and cut the mods folder from the Red Storm folder and past it into Steam as detailed above.
The following screenshots show the whole process right from installing Ghost Recon, to seeing the new mod activated on the Main Menu!
Op_Save_Santa_3 is the mod correctly placed in the Steam Ghost Recon Mods Folder
Now activate the mod in the Options screen.