Ubisoft are running two pretty good surveys right now, so here’s your chance to feedback on Ubisoft’s performance!
The first survey is a short forum feedback survey that only takes 2 minutes to complete. Ubisoft recently switched forum platforms and are keen to know users opinions. You can take the Ubisoft forum survey here.
The other survey is a longer 15 minute survey polling player feedback for Ghost Recon Future Solider. After an initial hiccup, we found the survey to be one of the most indepth game feedback surveys we have seen, so this is your chance to let Ubisoft know exactly what you liked and what you would like to see changed in the Ghost Recon franchise. Because the survey is quite detailed, participants will recieve free uPlay points for taking part. Watch your email box for this Future Soldier survey that is being sent directly from Ubisoft to uPlay account holders.