If you like taking part in Polls, it’s your lucky day. The Staff now present the Ghost Recon Forum Awards, containing over 50 polls to vote in spread over 3 categories! Each Poll option has been selected through a process of nominations made by fans over the past few weeks. Thanks go out to zjj for all her work on making this possible!
For forum regulars we have the Humorous Categories. These 12 polls name and shame forum regulars in fun polls such as Most Humorous Poster, Best Name, and Poster who needs a life away from here!
There are 19 polls under the General Category. Again these polls are aimed at fans who have used the forums before, either to ask for help, discuss clans or for any other reason. You can vote for the Best Thread, or Most Helpful Tech Support or Most Addicted Poster for example.
For the final Category we turn to the hugely popular subject of Modding! In here you will find 25 polls allowing you the opportunity to vote for the best mods and modders. So if you have ever played a mod and really enjoyed it, here’s your chance to say your own thank you to the modders. Across the 25 polls you’ll have the chance to vote for the Best Map Modder, Most Influential Modder, and best Weapons Modder amongst others. Note that some Categories have Part A and Part B polls.
So to summarise there are 3 Categories, you don’t need to vote in every poll, just browse the three sections and take your pick! If you have enjoyed the forums and Ghost Recon mods over the past year, give a little back and make a few votes now!