Ghost Recon Net

According to an unsubstantiated report on Slashdot from a proported Ubisoft Whistelblower, forthcoming Ubisoft titles will use a ramped up unbreakable DRM.

Ghost Recon Future Soldier DRM Unbreakable?

According to the anonymous source, essential parts of the gameplay will be streamed from Ubisofts’ servers to customer’s PCs, in effect ramping up the requirement for an always on connection from Ubisoft games. As for the timescale to roll out this new DRM …

This should be in effect for the coming summer releases.”

… which puts Ghost Recon Future Soldier’s release in the same timeframe.

While the blogosphere continues to bulge with Ubisoft Boycott type comments, and petitions, and the whistleblower reveals that even inhouse flamewars are rife over the DRM at Ubisoft, gamers are left wondering where this will all end.

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