Ghost Recon Net

Today we are unveiling a major new section to the site – Ghost Modder. I’ve been working with DonMiguel to create this new resource for all Advanced Warfighter modders. It is still very much a work in progress, but we hope to see it grow with unique and exclusive features and tutorials for modding GR:AW over the coming months. We hope you find it a useful modding resource for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. Comments here please.

Already there are modding tutorials for Lights/Lamps, two tutorials on Sounds, how to use the Bundle Extractor, and a remarkable GR:AW Modding Glossary by DonMiguel. There are more tutorials already waiting to be added to this section, so look out for those over the coming weeks! Thanks go to DonMiguel, Ruin and some of the GRIN guys for their support and initiative in getting this major new section up and running.