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Valve paid Mods discussion

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hmm, in short, as my attention span is very lax these days; I don't agree with it.

reason being as it has a strong possibility of dividing modding communities, and it also will most likely inject a healthy dose of greed and corruption in an otherwise okay community of people who do things primarily to make the game a better experience for themselves and others.

sure, modders can ask for donations, I do, but I don't insist on it. and sure mods such as the ones you mentioned, could indeed be good candidates to be paid for content. But I dunno, there's something about getting a donation that purchases don't bring, someone has willingly dug into their pockets to give you some money voluntarily for your content. It feels great!

not to mention, the modder will only see something ridiculous like 25% of the actual asking price. it's about Valve and the game dev making money as much as it is the modder, which I think is just unfair.

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Would paid GR mods have resulted in a larger quantity of high quality nods? Quite possibly.

Would paid GR mods have engendered the type of humble, appreciated and respected modders such as the Ghost Recon community enjoyed? Possibly not.

It's very interesting how different publishers view the whole modding thing, some see it as an opportunity to create a self promoting community that increases a games shelf life- like the recent ArmA Contest , others prefer to go down the micro DLC route and discourage mods so that they can reap residual income from a stream of new assets such as weapons and kit.

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