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TOS Skirmishes


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Sergeant Major 2F suggested that I post the records of our Team vs Team skirmishes here, so here I go. Didn't get all of them recorded but once I remembered to save the missionstats.htm file I got the rest.

Day 1 - TOS vs CHI

Match 1 - Caves

Participants: Six TOS with one non-member vs Four CHI with two non-members

Summary: TOS spawned at Caves; CHI spawned near tent camp. CHI proceeded up the ridge towards caves with some others going through the woods towards TOS insertion. Two TOS snipers covered from the woods and cliffside and took out several potential CHI flankers. TOS riflemen took heavy fire from the tent camp and were pushed back but upon respawning retook the ridge and held it against enemy forces.

Outcome: TOS won by timer.

Match 2 - Castle

Participants: Five TOS with one non-member vs Five CHI with one non-member

Summary: TOS spawned northeast of castle on road; CHI spawned southeast of castle on road. TOS established a position near the east castle gate and held off CHI forces for a short time. CHI forces overpowered defenses and set up positions overlooking TOS insertion and killed TOS as they spawned.

Outcome: CHI won by timer.

Match 3 - Mountain

Participants: Six TOS vs Five CHI with one non-member

Summary: TOS spawned at tent camp; CHI spawned somewhere northwest. TOS sent one team up the left road and one team down the right road. Both teams encountered resistance, but the east team took the most hits from above and on the road. They were soon overrun and killed. The west team had too many snipers and they were quickly overtaken by the CHI forces.

Outcome: CHI won by timer.

Match 4 - Farm

Participants: Six TOS with one non-member vs Eight CHI

Summary: TOS spawned near barn; CHI spawned somewhere to the north near farmhouse. TOS moved a team down each fenceline going west and north. They encountered enemy forces and were pushed back to the barn where they defended the area well until the timer expired.

Outcome: CHI won by timer.

Day 2 tomorrow. It gets prettier for us, don't worry :D

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I propose hereafter if at some point would like to practice with us, either by direct ip outside my GameRanger and reconlog server running so I could figure out the crashes (sometimes up to us when we train we happened). My in particular I am happy to train with you basically that the vast majority of players who have played are new to our team, so far you have not faced the full team entered in the tournament. Also the team involved in World Conquest League, want to have a chance to practice with you, just that they come over night, and also use the original mods, the mod skipyghost.

S3rver =*CHI*= ip: 201 161 199 144

raidcall id: 2291744

xfire: serhalo




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Day 2 (Friday) - TOS vs CHI

Match 1 - Ghost Town Night

Participants: Nine CHI vs Five TOS

Summary: The CHI team surrounded our base and owned us. End of story.

Outcome: CHI won by elimination.

Match 2 - River

Participants: Nine CHI vs Five TOS

Summary: The CHI team surrounded the TOS spawn at the tent camp, but they were held off for the entire game. They finally breached defenses in the last stages of the battle and eliminated the TOS. The TOS were ahead with 36 points versus the 32 CHI kills, but they won by elimination.

Outcome: CHI won by elimination.

Match 3 - Battlefield

Participants: Six CHI vs Five TOS

Summary: The TOS successfully defended their northeast insertion zone from the hills and woods. The CHI eventually breached defenses but were flanked and pushed back.

Outcome: TOS won by timer.

Match 4 - Red Square

Participants: Eight CHI vs Five TOS

Summary: TOS were pinned in their spawn in the northeast and massacred.

Outcome: CHI won by elimination.

The server crashed twice -- the first time was during a match on map Vilnius. The TOS were leading by over ten kills and the timer had only one minute remaining. The other time was in the Swamp and the TOS were leading by several kills when the game ended.

Day 3 is not worth mentioning; this took place earlier today and we were massacred. Same in co-op mode afterwards. I think someone put a curse on us tonight because we lost every single battle -- I guess it's the price we paid for our win streak Sunday night when we won five co-op missions with under three casualties on each.

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usually open my room at 5 pm, and leave at 6:45 pm and returning at 9 pm ... I hope we can play for a while now, and if I can I leave the server while I do what I have to do ... regards

server up.. 5 pm.

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I will not be around tonight but my team should be. However, I can play starting around 6PM CST tomorrow evening. Will your server be running? If it isn't we'll play in GameRanger like last night........which brings up this:

Day 3

Match 1 - Train Wreck

Participants: Four TOS vs Three CHI

Summary: The TOS flanked the CHI opposition through the hills and cornered them in the northwest. The CHI eliminated the TOS spawn garrison for a short time but were pushed back soon.

Outcome: TOS won by elimination.

Match 2 - Valley

Participants: Four TOS vs Four CHI with one non-member

Summary: The TOS took heavy fire at their spawn but held off the CHI attackers. The start was bad for the TOS but they managed to flank the enemy spawn (the shed in the southwest corner) and took the CHI by surprise from behind.

Outcome: TOS won by elimination.

Match 3 - Docks

Participants: Four TOS with one non-member vs Five CHI

Summary: The CHI spawned across from the TOS, who were inserted near the ship. The TOS proceeded to attack the CHI spawn and the CHI suffered multiple casualties inside the office building.

Outcome: TOS won by elimination.

As Ser would say...

good match... xD

It's weird that we go from losing every match to winning every match in one day. I think our problem was trying to apply co-op tactics to Team vs Team games which definitely goes badly. Yay for us :)

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Today, I will not be available, I joined the team participating in the tournament "League World Conquest" of Chile, besides that my server is reserved for that match (22:00 Chilean time, 19:00, local time in Mexico) but I'm sure there will be enough players who will be in my clan GameRanger ...

greetings... good match xd

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Played against a few CHI members again tonight.

Day 4

Match 1 - Embassy

Participants: Four TOS vs Three CHI with one non-member

Summary: The CHI spawned directly down the street from the TOS and rushed the TOS spawn from their bank insertion. They took out the TOS in the beginning but failed to root them out of the car garage where they respawned. The TOS defended their position and sent two men to flank the CHI; this tactic proved successful and the TOS flankers took out several enemies before being pushing back. The battle went on for several more minutes until the TOS sent one man forward directly into the enemy position by the bank. He took out four or more enemies before he was killed by an enemy, who he also killed at the same exact second. CHI team was reduced to two men. One TOS man went through the alley and took out one CHI rifleman near the alley who seemed to be away from the game. He was killed again, following his next respawn. The remaining CHI rifleman emerged from cover and ran out of the back door of the bank but was nailed by a neat little three-round burst fired by none other than yours truly :)

Outcome: TOS won by elimination.

Match 2 - Village

Participants: Four TOS vs Three CHI with one non-member

Summary: The CHI spawned above the village in the hills and the TOS spawned behind the village. The TOS sent men to flank through the crossroads but they were soon killed. One TOS rifleman managed to gain a position on the CHI hill where they were sniping TOS men as they spawned below. The infiltrator threw several grenades, wiping out the CHI on the hilltop. He was finally killed and the rest of his team suffered when they lost their covering unit and were all killed. The last-remaining TOS member, who had no respawns remaining, held position just southeast of the village and neutralized several flankers from dense tree cover. He continued to pick the other CHI members off from his prone position as they spawned on the hilltop. The CHI attempts to kill him with grenade barrages proved unsuccessful but he was almost killed by blind fire before killing the last CHI man.

Outcome: TOS won by elimination.

Match 3 - Red Square

Participants: Four TOS vs Three CHI with one non-member

Summary: The TOS set up defenses at the rubble piles and sent one man to flank down the south wall. He was soon killed and TOS defenses were overrun. They battled for a short time until the CHI finally pushed through and took out the last remaining TOS member.

Outcome: CHI won by elimination.

Edited by RileyFletcher_01
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Raidcall was being utterly repulsive last night and we are considering moving to another system if the trouble continues. We were struggling to stay in our comm channel last night so that explains our lack of communication here.

Day 5

Match 1 - Embassy

Participants: Three TOS vs Two CHI

Summary: The TOS spawned in the hotel and the CHI surrounded the area. They spammed the windows and doors with grenades, pinning the TOS team inside. The designated flanker of the TOS team lost contact through Raidcall and he couldn't be warned of any threats, leading to his death.

Outcome: CHI won by timer.

Match 2 - Castle

Participants: Three TOS vs Two CHI

Summary: The TOS spawned in a house in the center of the castle. They began moving out but were pinned down by rapid grenade fire coming from the entrances. The TOS tried to escape and flank the enemy but were massacred by the grenade spamming. One TOS member dropped out at this point due to technical issues. After a short grenade barrage from the CHI team, they rushed the house and spawn killed the remaining TOS members. The only TOS member who escaped flanked around to the opposite castle gate and took out the CHI infiltrators four times before being killed by a stray grenade shot.

Outcome: CHI won by elimination.

Match 3 - Day Docks

Participants: Three TOS vs Three CHI

Summary: The TOS spawned in a crater, while the CHI spawned near the office in the northeast. They rushed the TOS insertion and were pushed back for a short time by a TOS grenade barrage. They soon flanked and pinned the TOS in their spawn and shelled the crater with grenades for the next few minutes until the TOS were all dead.

Outcome: CHI won by elimination.

Match 4 - Valley

Participants: Three TOS vs Three CHI

Summary: The TOS finally removed OICW grenade launchers from the picture, resulting in a more realistic guerrilla combat scenario. The TOS set up defenses around the tent camp and held off the CHI attackers. One TOS man flanked around the east part of the map and wiped out four CHI members. After he was gunned down, the CHI overran the TOS spawn but were soon pushed back again. The TOS flanked the CHI spawn again and overtook it, killing all of the CHI as they spawned. The last CHI member ran into the trees and held until the timer expired.

Outcome: TOS won by timer.


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I decided to write these more like a story to make them more enjoyable. If you prefer the report-style of the previous ones, tell me.

Day 6

Match 1 - Bridges Day









Private First Class 4Sierra and I were inserted along a dirt road slightly northwest of the first bridge. We had reports of guerrilla movement in the area, so our two-man reconnaissance team was being deployed to check out the area. I sent 4Sierra towards the bridge while I took up a position on a cliff where I could overlook the area beyond the bridge while my partner crossed. I watched through the scope mounted on my M4 Special Operations Peculiar Modification (SOPMOD), an M4 carbine decked out with a sound suppressor and an ACOG sight. 4Sierra had made it across safely, so I started moving down the road heading south. When I came near a rope bridge I heard 4Sierra over the radio.

"Enemy contact across the river."

At that moment I also spotted another man in Chilean uniform running through the hills towards me. I ran off the road and into the thick brush to my right. I heard an AK rifle being fired in the distance, and 4S spoke again.

"Enemy down, but there's still one near you, 9Echo."

I smiled grimly and moved around a boulder that was keeping my target out of sight. I laid down and covered the spot where I thought he would come through. Just as I expected, the Chilean soldier appeared on the hill I was watching and kept running towards me. He saw me and raised his rifle, but I began firing round after round into him. He fell to the ground and limped back down the ridge. I moved around the hill and fired a burst of subsonic rounds into his back. Scratch another one. I continued towards the south bridge while 4Sierra did the same on the other side of the water.

As I neared the bridge, I noticed movement in the fog ahead of me. Dropping to the ground, I scanned the mist for any telltale signs. Suddenly I saw a silhouette emerge from the fog and I clicked my rifle into semi-automatic mode. I quickly called for 4S on my radio.

"4Sierra, I've got contact just across the bridge, get up here now!"

"Roger that, I'm moving."

I fired several shots at the target, but a pile of lumber was keeping me from getting a lethal shot in. Blood splattered on the ground when I got a hit on his leg, but he retaliated with a burst of fire from his OICW assault rifle. I told 4Sierra to pick up the pace then stood up and started running back to cover in the trees. Bullets were kicking up dust all around me as I sprinted behind a thick tree and dove to the ground. At that moment, the Chilean soldier spotted 4S moving up behind him and turned to engage him. I took this opportunity to land two rounds into the target, killing him instantly. I told 4S to head back to our insertion zone -- I suspected that the Chilean guerrillas were flanking us.

I darted from tree to tree as I made my way back to the insertion zone, being careful to watch the hills for any signs of the enemy. As I was passing the rope bridge I felt uneasy and when 4S shouted something into my radio I nearly jumped in surprise.

"Captain, there's one watching you from the cliffs."

I lowered myself into the foliage and raised my head to see above the dense brush. It was then that I saw a Chilean soldier creeping along the ridge across the river, an OICW in his hands. I raised my suppressed rifle and fired several shots at him. Kill confirmed. I was moving along the riverside when I received a message from command.

"Command to TOS; we're pulling you out now. Prepare for extraction within two minutes, over."

I nodded to myself and repeated the message to 4S. We would meet at the north bridge and wait nearby for extraction. When I was in view of the bridge, I was startled by a sudden burst of gunfire coming from above. Diving to the ground, I hastily searched the surrounding cliffs for any hostiles. More shots rang out, tearing the surrounding brush and trees. It was then that I saw a Chilean soldier firing a machine gun into the foliage where I stood just moments ago. I lined up the red dot with his head and pressed the trigger. There was a splash as he fell into the water.

4S and I met at the bridge and prepared for extraction. Mission accomplished.

Outcome: TOS won by timer expiration.

Edited by RileyFletcher_01
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