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About HõHum®

  • Birthday 18/09/1969

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Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. Actually, if it's not feasible, we already have a TK mod on our servers (game we play is BC.SAR) which removes weapons until next death - i was wondering if perhaps it couldn't be modified to 'eject' TKer - would there be an in game command to do this??
  2. Also, TK's just suck, especially when you're supressing the enemy at the hostages
  3. Speaking of invicibility, is there any way you can make your teammates invincible to each other in Multiplayer? (In other words - i'm looking to eliminate TKing clans from jumping onto my server ) I've been toying with IGOR, but have only found a way of making the Company invicible to everyone.
  4. TF, did u remember to tell 'something' about the eternal setting in the UBI launcher?
  5. Site Post edited November 25, 2003 - 11:51 EST
  6. errr, sorry to trouble you, but might i get the other files too, lol i'm pretty new to php, i managed to make a config file with my info & stuff, however the MySQL queries are a little tougher Guess what i'm really asking for, is installation tips
  7. The All New SuperFriends League is now serving STATS!! With 3 Dedicated SAR Servers - 24/7 Visit our web site @ www.superfriendsleague.com Updated by HõHum® on November 25 2003, 11:51
  8. Actually someone pointed me in the right direction (GR\data\save\script...) in there I found the 'current.but' file - so what i did was; set the game up as though it were my server, then shut down the game, edited the maps in the 'current.but' file, saved it, made the file read-only, then launched GR as I normally would (through UBI's Dedicated Server launch) et voilà, server seems to be running like a charm, i mixed the maps a little, to get a nice mix of GR/DS/IT maps - took out the troublesome maps, and all seems to be going well, i'll let u know if there are any problems with this Please let me know if there are any other suggestions out there, I have yet to try the Igor way, b/c I have never used Igor, but i'm sure it works just as well Thx Guys
  9. I am running a SAR server with DS and IT as Mods, I was wondering if there might be some way that I can disable 6, 7, or even 10 of the original GR maps? The reason I ask is, the server runs itself, on occassion it will crash on some of the smaller maps (i.e.: MP01-River) The reason is that there are usually too many peeps playing (usually +/- 18 players, 9vs9) I've 'dumbed' down the weapons fire rate to 300, no guns have fullauto, the only firing rates on my server are SingleShot and TripleShot - Explosives are deactivated at all times (with the exception of the nade launchers on some of the IT maps). HõHum® Any Help would be much appreciated
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