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Wrangled's Achievements

Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. First, thanks Zeko. Got to finally see it. Second. KEWL!! Looks awesome. Can't wait
  2. Same problem! Codec Error!
  3. I just downloaded it from the front page and after it finally finished, it had an error and I only got audio!! Anyone else have that problem?? I'm D/L now from the forum.
  4. Between Chems and Blakarion. who needs a GR3???
  5. Work keeps slowing it down, but we have plenty of time to read and reply in the forums?!? That was 2 extra minutes you could have put into the mod..... Sound kinda anxious don't I? Better go see what the wife is doin.......
  6. Favor. Should see the reactions I get on the nights I go to bed before 2 AM.
  7. I just wanted to thank all the individuals that have done such outstanding jobs to keep me from my wife's clutches and spend countless hours of enjoyment and stress relief killing and harassing my friends online. Without your pure enjoyment of producing your mods, this game would have probably died out within the first 6-8 months. With Ubisoft messing around with all the hype put into GR2 for PC and GR3 for PC, it is nice to know that they cannot keep up to our own modders with talented ideas. There are quite a few modders out there that should be getting ALOT of credit (and salaries) for keeping the game as popular and profitable as it has been for them. There are way to may to recognize over the years, but Thank You and we'll continue to look forward to enjoying all your hard work.
  8. Blakarion, were you able to get the SCUD launchers poly count to a usable level? I know some have tried but said the polys were too much?
  9. Yeah, but we were waiting for you to return cuz you are so good at it......
  10. I have but one thing to say......... Awesome Job!! Love the pilots in the Helos! Any luck with the Scud launcher??
  11. Crongrats to winners and nominees, well deserved! I have but one question. Why is most of the winning mods/missions not even avail on GR.net anymore?? Finally got an updated CPU that could handle White Skull Valley and there is no active links anywhere on GR Somebody needs to look into that.....
  12. Looks Good. He was right about the hair though... little too dark, or shiny... Something about a red-head lookin down the barrel of a gun if ya ask me...
  13. As far as the Heli, wasn't there a mod a few years back where a Heli (not Blackhawk) flew cover on the map and would fire at the enemy?? I remember it was some type of DS mod. Came out right after IT was released....
  14. Didn't some mod over the years make a M82 Slap that is tagged as a AT and left a smoke-trail as it went downrange??? Then again I believe they just modified the projectile to the AT projectile characteristics.
  15. Well I hope it won't be that long.. My wife went and reserved me a copy at Media Play and they told her that it was scheduled for early March release. Course, if they move the release to improve the game, I won't complain. I just hope they produce it similiar to GR where the mod community can work so easily with it.
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