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Supposed 'Best 3 Jokes Ever'


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These three jokes are said to be the three funniest in the world, although I have my doubts. They're still pretty good though.

Two hunters are in the forest when one of them collapses and his eyes glaze over. The other hunter is terrified, and pulling out his cell phone, calls 911. He frantically tells the operator that his friend is dead. "What can I do?" The operator replies cooly, "Just stay calm. First, let's make sure he's dead." The operator hears a gunshot through the phone. The hunter speaks into the phone again, saying, "Now what?"

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to go camping. They set up their tent, and go to sleep inside it. Sometime in the night, Holmes wakes Watson up. "Watson, look above us and tell me what you see." Watson looks up and answers. "I see millions of stars." Sherlock looks up in the sky. "And what do you deduce from that?" Watson thinks for a moment. "Well, if their are millions of stars and at least a few of them have planets, their might be other life somewhere out there on some other planet like Earth." Sherlock shook his head. "Watson, you idiot, it means somebody stole our tent in the night."

A lady carrying her baby got into a bus. The driver curled his lip and exclaimed, "That's the ugliest baby I've ever seen in my life." The woman ran into a seat in the back of the bus, crying. A man next to her asked her what was wrong, and the lady answered, "The bus driver just insulted me." He replied, saying, "You go up there and tell him off, and I'll hold your monkey."


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Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to go camping. They set up their tent, and go to sleep inside it. Sometime in the night, Holmes wakes Watson up. "Watson, look above us and tell me what you see." Watson looks up and answers. "I see millions of stars." Sherlock looks up in the sky. "And what do you deduce from that?" Watson thinks for a moment. "Well, if their are millions of stars and at least a few of them have planets, their might be other life somewhere out there on some other planet like Earth." Sherlock shook his head. "Watson, you idiot, it means somebody stole our tent in the night."


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