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GRAW 2 Online with GameRanger - Trying to Use .bat Mods

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Hello all

Myself and a few others have revisited GRAW2, having a good time as well. However one issue we're having is, we would like to use brettzies and/or Snows Weapon pack ideally Weapon masters.

But its a .bat to launch the mod, with gameranger once the host ready's the server it launches your game for you and your straight in, so it negates the .bat launch. You can change the option of the exe it uses to launch but it only lets you use applications i.e exes not .bat.

So any ideas how to play online and getting these mods to work at the same time?

Thanks for your time.

Some gameplay :)

Edited by Jeza
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Rocky, you just replied to my post on the Steam Forums. I'll go ahead and consider that one closed and this thread the primary for this topic.

Jeza, I and a few others have been attempting to sort this for a few days now.

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Sent this to Rocky, but I'll post it here if it helps:

I’m pretty sure there are two ways to do it without the bat file, and one with.

*The context.xml should be found in the root of the graw or graw2 folder where the .exe is.

1. in the context.xml, edit/add this line:

<script base="data" exec="Menu/Menu" editor="false" language="english"/>
<!--<mod_bundle name=""/>-->

<script base="data" exec="Menu/Menu" editor="false" language="english"/>
<mod_bundle name="bp_weapons_pack_v3.02_mod"/>

The other method requires the unbundled version, and you would also edit the

2. context.xml:

<script base="data" exec="Menu/Menu" editor="false" language="english"/>

<script base="data" exec="Menu/Menu" editor="false" language="bp_weapons_pack_v3.02"/>

a third way, if gameranger lets you add commands to the exe you pick, would
look like this, which is essentially what the bat file does

3. graw2.exe -o context_bp_weapons_pack_v3.02.xml

I would actually try 3 first, then 1, then 2. As that is the least destructive order.

Let me know if any of that works.

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What is this a revival? :boxing:

Some of the best gaming right there. :popcorn:

Hope you guys get this going again. :charge:

You are as always invited, however, one would need to turn up and kick that night job in the ass.

Little updated Nutlink myself and Det, tried to join with the line into context Xml, however tells us mod is running miss-match when we are running just bret's stuff :/

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you guys are still keen on playing mods for GRAW2 with Gameranger, then I can help you guys out. What you basically need is a .bat to .exe file converter. I've used such a method myself in order to host a dedicated server for Star Wars Battlefront 2's dedicated server via Gameranger.

If you want, I can share the setup of how you guys can achieve something similar with GRAW 2 :)

PS: If you guys don't mind, just link me the mods that you play so that I can download them, and I'll throw a guide together for the specific mods. I have GRAW and GRAW 2 on Steam, so I'll be able to help test it out.

Edited by Ston3Cold
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If you guys are still keen on playing mods for GRAW2 with Gameranger, then I can help you guys out. What you basically need is a .bat to .exe file converter. I've used such a method myself in order to host a dedicated server for Star Wars Battlefront 2's dedicated server via Gameranger.

If you want, I can share the setup of how you guys can achieve something similar with GRAW 2 :)

PS: If you guys don't mind, just link me the mods that you play so that I can download them, and I'll throw a guide together for the specific mods. I have GRAW and GRAW 2 on Steam, so I'll be able to help test it out.

Would be a great help, let us know your findings, many thanks.

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Okay, here is the procedure that each player via Gameranger should follow:

1) Download the .bat to .exe file converter here:


2) Rename your "graw2.exe" file to "graw22.exe "

3) Make a copy of your mod's batch file and rename it to "graw2.bat". Open the "graw2.bat" file and edit the command line to reflect "graw22.exe", save it, close the batch file. For example with Brettzies weapon mod 3.02 my "graw2.bat" batch file has the following:

"graw22.exe -o context_bp_weapons_pack_v3.02.xml"

4) Run the .bat to .exe converter and specify the "graw2.bat" batch file which you've just edited and then save the converted .exe file as "graw2.exe"

5) Run the new "graw2.exe" file you've just made.

6) Play!

Everytime you launch the new "graw2.exe" file you made, whether via Steam, or via Gameranger, it will always load the mod that you want to play. So, technically, GR will now think that the "graw2.exe" file you made is the new exe for the game, which will allow you to load the mod.

Also, I'm part of a project that is emulating Gamespy support, meaning that online play will be restored again via the game, without the need for Gameranger (or any of this batch file conversion). I'll keep you guys posted on further developments with regards to that. If you guys have any questions or comments about this method, feel free to ask :)

Edited by Ston3Cold
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have foolow the procedure, but I still cant join thru GR...:(

Its ''connecting to server'' forever.

I saw 3 servers at the moment with few ppl in, so I must have doing smthin wrong.

secundo, Is anyboby been able to reach a modified GRAW2 server yet? (like Rahnman 4.01)

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