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KRP 56

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KRP 56 last won the day on May 31 2022

KRP 56 had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About KRP 56

  • Birthday 02/08/1956

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Ohio U.S.A.
  • Interests
    Mopars - Hondas - Racing

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  • Favourite Ghost Recon Mod.
    All The Great Ones
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KRP 56's Achievements

Ghost - 1st Class

Ghost - 1st Class (13/13)



  1. That's a pretty cool website. Look's like us Ohioan's hate VW. Guess they should have built a plant in Ohio. UBI headquartered in France and hated by 76%. OUCH!
  2. That would be a great option and sure would be a game changer for me.
  3. There are a few of us old buzzards still flying around this community and now and then they land for a chat or two. Others have checked out for good and are enjoying GR in heaven. Good to have you stop by and check our pulse and let's go for another 20 years!
  4. M82 is a semi-auto sniper rifle. Blueprint can be found at Assembly Hall Omega Restricted Area 01.
  5. Thanks for sharing. 🖼️ Painting is a lot fun and can be addictive. I can remember spending a month or more on some of my larger watercolor paintings.
  6. on Christmas. What's this world coming to! Cheers to all you GR faithful and Merry Christmas.
  7. Thanks for sharing a great story and it does indeed put a tear in your eye.
  8. Great to see new entries to the Modders Hall Of Fame. Without them this game may have been put out to pasture years ago. Keep the Ghost Recon heartbeat alive and well!
  9. Rocky. Stay safe and make double sure your cake wears a mask.
  10. This is what I did to turn it off on my PC. When it was enabled on my PC, it should have been labeled extra slow startup as it took forever to be able to use my PC. High disk and RAM usage. With it turned off I'm back to normal.
  11. Cold, colder and coldest. 🎅 Guess I'll have to dig out my winter battle gear. Looking good and curious as to what campaign you'll be using.
  12. If that doesn't happen sooner than later I'll be to far over the hill to care. While we wait give thanks to the GR gods for the hundreds of awesome mods.🐱
  13. All good things must pass. 😢 To much money ruins everything!
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