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op. satellite


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Almost a year ago I create a coop mission called operation satellite.

What was in my mind:

I tried to create a map for players who can play as a team and as a team can cover every possible direction of battlefield.

The most important thing is to protect your team leader, because I created a script which trace him and sending AI at his last known position.

You can play this one in few ways: at day/night single/multi player.

AI are triggering by your behavior, which means, if you are careful enough, and as first target you will kill the snipers and small patrols the number of enemies will be much smaller.

Your primary target is to rescue Rosen.

Rosen will follow only after your team leader. You will see who it is after he join him. Normally the team leader is first player on the server.

Don't run, keep Rosen close to you and escort him safely to ZULU.

Minor targets are communicating towers.

In multiplayer mode are small backspawns.

here is link for it: Download Entry


Prawie rok temu stworzyłem mapę o nazwie satellite.

Co było moim zamierzeniem:

Starałem się stworzyć mapę dla graczy, którzy potrafią grać jako drużyna i jako taka potrafią kryć (ogniem) każdy możliwy kierunek pola walki.

Najważniejsza rzecz w przypadku tej mapy, to chronić swojego dowódcę, ponieważ napisałem skrypt, który namierza go i wysyła nieprzyjaciół na jego ostatnią znaną pozycję.

Możesz grać na kilka sposobów: w dzień lub w nocy, samemu lub w drużynie.

AI pojawiają się poprzez Twoje zachowanie, co oznacza, że jeśli jesteś wystarczająco ostrożny i jako pierwszy cel strzału wybierzesz snajpera lub małe grupy patrolowe, liczba wrogów okaże się dużo mniejsza.

Twoim podstawowym celem jest uratować Rosena.

Rosen będzie podążał jedynie za dowódcą. Zorientujesz się kto nim jest gdy sam do niego podejdzie. Standardowo dowódcą jest pierwszy gracz na serwerze.

Nie biegnij, trzymaj Rosena blisko siebie i doprowadź go do punktu ZULU.

Mniejszymi celami są nadajniki radiowe, które musisz zniszczyć.

W wersji dla wielu graczy czasem wróg może pojawić się za Twoimi plecami.

Tu jest link do mapy: Download

Edited by JohnTC02
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Hi Daro,

Sorry mate but at the moment I have little interest in doing anymore modding, I've found myself a new hobby away from gaming which I have been perusing for the past year. It's outdoors so much more healthy than spending hours swearing at my PC when my scripts didn't work, LOL!

I'm still on here every day though and always willing to help with any problems.

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Hi Daro,

Sorry mate but at the moment I have little interest in doing anymore modding, I've found myself a new hobby away from gaming which I have been perusing for the past year. It's outdoors so much more healthy than spending hours swearing at my PC when my scripts didn't work, LOL!

I'm still on here every day though and always willing to help with any problems.

Kickin' little kids on the field :D

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John, you have more than "served your sentence" here doing the modding thing, so never have to apologise for anything as all members here will probably agree too.

I have played that map alongside the others in BH and its bitchingly hard, but good if you like a challenge.

Get roley in there Daro and out of that RVSA he plays.......lets get more teamwork going again.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Daro, we are back online after a long time and much work because of moving to a different down. Not all is up yet but we are not far away to get our computers and dedi servers back online. Can't wait to test your map :fingersx:

Anyway, for the moment I just can say Happy New Year to all Ghosts here . :wizard:

Edited by kaapo
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  • 2 months later...

Hi Daro, sorry for the late reply but after moving in a different town and own house there was more to do as expected. Also my server did not worked as it should so we played just with 2 PCs. At one PC Ghostrecon did always crashed after 2-3 hours so we had to wait to have enough free time to start over again. Now my dedi server is running again and we came to the Rosen rescue and after he was out of the container he ran into the next area but after a couple shots in that corridor he was hit by enemy and the server restarted from beginning. I know, the mission failed but to start over from beginning is a little bit hard :wacko: So my question is if this is normal or did my server had an failure? Your map and mission is very very nice and we like it very much. Also you are absolutely right when you say it is a team mission.

I hope this Sunday we get time to try it again :ph34r:

With greetings and best wishes from me and Erika :thumbsup:

.....and best wishes to John and for his new hobby :flowers: ......we miss you :bye:

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Hi Klaus, Hi Erika :)

After release Rosen, someone should touch him, in that way you will activate "tracing" script. The team leader (first player on the server) should fallback to hangar and wait there for him. From now he is directly responsible for the lives of Rosen.

When Rosen will die, mission fails and server will load next map.

Thank you for playing my map and I'm realy glad you like it :)

Best regards to both of you :)


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