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Ghost Recon is best

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After 2-3 years of solidly playing Ghost Recon, I finally grew tired of it this spring. With great anticipation I bought Raven Shield and Athena sword, in the hope that new environments, better graphics and similarly good game-play would satisfy my gaming needs.

But it just hasn’t worked. I keep reaching for F6 in game….then I hit the SHIFT key hoping to set some strategic waypoints for my teams…..but…hey…I can’t.

So its with a sense of defeat that I’m now listing RS and AS on ebay instead of GR as I expected.

I loaded up Operation Restore Justice, or is it Operation Stabilise?? Whatever, I loaded it up and found what I’d been missing.

Ghost Recon is best. My advice for anyone tiring of it, is to go play Raven Shield – it’s a beautiful game, but just not in the same league as GR.

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Ghost Recon is best. My advice for anyone tiring of it, is to go play Raven Shield – it’s a beautiful game, but just not in the same league as GR.

Agreed. I couldn't even think about playing RS & AS anywhere near as much as I play GR. GR is in a league of it's own. :yes:

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I play GR all the time, virtually everyday after school :P I mostly play on UBI, and everytime i logged on, i used to look at the 2000+ players in RvS and think "Wow, that must be cool with so many people" So i bought the game, spent about 4 hours finding, downloading and applying all the patches. And do you know what i found out after 10 mins playing? Raven Shield just plain sucks campared to GR... :wacko:

Edited by ColonelMubarak
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There are other games like that I guess. Age of Conquerors is one. Starcraft and total anihilation are played too, and I don't think they are even moddable.

So are we just getting too old to see the beauty of new games? I don't think so.

First, All these game have in common that they are "easy" to play. Simple interface, no aa-style training, very progressive difficulty, a storyline that is coherent with the game. I don't play cs because I did not get hooked to half life. Of course there is a lot other points, but then we come to individual preferences, taste and expecations.

Another major point is, I do believe, the community. People playing GR online are more to my taste than the CS, Lineage2, AOM one. Basically there is no whinners, way less cheaters. It is simply the mood of the people, and the way they socialise that suits me more. The simple fact that it will be multiplatform, xbx port to pc, tells you about the marketing ubi soft will do, which tells you what kind of people will play.

I may be wrong, but I'm not expecting an experience like GR to be renewable, and that's why I can be surprised in good only. :whistle:

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