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Everything posted by BS PALADIN

  1. Im excited that such a realistic shooter is being planned. I hope you guys stay focused and committed to this ideal and dont compromise later in the games developement. I will be keeping a close eye on this. I hope that you port this game over to the 360 without having to degrade it too much. I have a large userbase who will be dying to get their hands on a 360 version of your propsed game.
  2. I read a magaizne article about the MP. They said that one map they played looked like a town after KATRINA came through it. Complete with deep water you had to wade through. Reminds me of SWAMP and LOST CONVOY. Plus they had a few screenshots. They look better than GRAWs MP but still not quite as good as GRAW2 SP.
  3. Nice demo, nice changes too. Nightvision has beed radically changed. You cant use it in daytime now. Plus satchels are back. Quite a few changes. Worth checking out for that alone.
  4. Glad you liked it but i've rehashed it to make it better. Hope this is an improvement. Setting and story. Very near future set on an small island of the coast of North Korea. It's the middle of january as that allows for some varied locations on the island. As well as towns, forests, grasslands and mountaineous areas you could also cover everything with snow due to the time of year. I know North Korea has already been covered by many games but it is still the most credible threat and i have a different storyline to follow. After escalating tensions between China and the US over oil and war in the middle east, a standoff has occured between them over Taiwan. With China wanting to force america to control the situation in the middle east or just pull out so that oil prices stablise. There is limited intelligence that North Korea has been sabotaging peace talks and further escalating the situation with black ops missions in the siberia oil fields and advanced hacking of the chinese stock market. Thus leaving China in a energy and economic crisis. The reason for North Korea doing this is that they also have there own energy and economic problems which are close to producing all out civil war. And rather than submit to western demands to disarm, they intend to make a play for Japan and South Korea while China and the US shoot it out. Thats the backdrop. So your special forces team is sent in to get intelligence on a island 12 miles off shore of North Korea which while being observed via satellite has had concentrated troop and armour re-inforcements. And because of the Taiwan standoff, help from command in the form of intel and resuppliment is limited at best. Therefore you have to rely on your team and your tactics. Especially when entering the insertion point via helo, you're are hit with a SAM and forced to crash land. This destroys some vital equipement. Namely your radio and most of your ammunition. The finale of the game being stopping North Korea exploding a covert nuke in the middle of the Chinese/US battlezone. Technical Im not a developer but i would hope that the island could be made fully dynamic and be streamed so that it was a go anywhere sandbox theme. This would allow for a an incredible experience. Allowing for massive replay value. From the spec sheet of GRAW 2 the tech is already there for day/night and weather cycles and streaming maps has been done countless times on other games like Far Cry and Test Drive Unlimited. But as i said im not a developer so i wouldn't know how possible this is. Gameplay The aim of gameplay is to make the player feel like he's in control of the situation, even when the odds are against him/her. Due to the situation of your crash landing , you would have options open to you. Avoid the hunter squads after you, look for communication or look for weapons. All this while still trying to preform your primary mission of gathering intel. This kind of free choice gameplay should be throughout the game. Some would say that this would leave some players confused on what to do. This can be solved by having difficulty levels of easy, normal and elite produce different hints through the game. For example for easy your comrades gives you semi instructions backed up with markers on the map, on normal there are no markers and the comrades only give suggestions. On elite you make the decisions. Another way to cater for different levels of players is to have 2 modes. Semi realistic and realistic. These would be on offer for both online and offline play. A bit like modifiers but with a greater difference. Severe penalties for not using a weapon in the correct way. If possible add in windage and distance factors to bullet paths. The abilty to adjust your scope accordily would be incrediblily realistic. Multiplayer. For online play, dedicated servers like R6 to push the max numbers to 20-24. Also have real objectives and have the 2 sides be actually different. Different weapon loadouts and intel ablilities. Small sections of map could be restricted for modes like destroy the convoy, elimate the general or take out the SAM. With players able to move the SAM, convoy or general as they wished. Also weather and time of day should be be completely random so as to reduce predictability. Also link achievements to the old dossier system from [GR] and GRIT. Only allowing weapon selection after they have been unlocked in single player or online achievements. This would keep people playing the game many times over. Well thats my idea. I hope some RedStorm guys read it and find it at least interesting and maybe just maybe incorporate some off it into the next GR.
  5. Well said, i to also feel that GRAW has evloved into a different game. Not a bad game, in fact probably the best 360 online game out there atm. But it has lost alot of the factors that made the orginal GRs great. They are 2 different beasts now. I would love to play a [GR] based game again but i doubt there is the money or audience there for it to come anywhere near GRAWs success. Harsh but unfortuately true.
  6. LOL i know the PC GR had a better control system and the able to mod maps but unlike PC, the xbox version gave a universal online experience. Everyone was on a level playing field. And because the control system wasn't as precise as a keyboard and mouse the gameplay actually slowed down even more which increased the tactical play. See im not mad lmao.
  7. Nice to know, im also very interested in a 360 version. I feel that 360 gaming is crying out for a REAL TACTICAL shooter. And after the success of [GR] on the xbox (which i feel was even better than the PCversion) i feel the 360 is ripe for a game of this sort. Hopefully i can get some more answers in a future interview. I already have a few hundreds players hungry for some more info lol.
  8. Quick question, will the game be more closer to GR or R6 in gameplay style. Or a completely unique experience.
  9. Great, hit me up on MSN on HELLFIRE_HERO@hotmail.co.uk or email at pzhellfire@paniczoom.eu
  10. Im not elitist in anyway, and when i say watered down im not just talking about 3rd person view. GR2 has 3rd person view and it was a great game because it compensated wih random spawns which brought a new tactical element to the game. Im talking about spawns numbers and positions, left trigger easy aim, smaller maps with too many choke points and a thousand other things that cater to casual 30 minute gamers. And i first started on PC GR as well but found xbox GR to be a better game online. Xbox live is unmatched for online play. The point of my post was that a game that was based on tactical gameplay and which became successful due to that gameplay and the incredible online support it recieved from clans and sites like this one, has actually turned its back on the people that made it a no1 brand. Now its heading at full speed to an interactive hollywood war movie. And the sad thing is i think that when the original supporters of the game leave due to the more casual feel of the game then the series will dwindle as the next big shooter comes along. I've never played a game with such intensity or joy as the Gr recon series. But i can see those days coming to an end.
  11. As a dedicated GR fan i myself have been dissillusioned with the direction the current games are taking. I for one would love to see a new game with the old GR spirt. A game which requires tactics and teamwork. I hope you succeed with your new game and get a 360 version out sooner rather than later. I run european gaming site called paniczoom and we'd love to do an interview with you. Most of our members are GR players at heart and im sure you'd find a receptive audience there.
  12. I think for a new GR they should make the player feel more in control rather than running through scripted events. A GR game based on an occupied island looking for intel on WMDs would be great. A sandbox style on a fully dynamic island where the player decides which actions to take to achieve their goal. I've put this in more detail in another thread. The location location thread.
  13. My ideal shooter whould basically require the player to use tactics to win, not some fancy gagdet. My ideal setting would be a small island of north korean on the eve of an attack by north korean forces on japan and south korea. Your team is send to the small island to investigate intelligence on the location of weapons of mass destruction. But your insertion goes wrong and your helo crashes. This will leave you on the island in the middle of enemy territory with very little resources. No radio, satnav or nightvision. You basically have a small amount of ammuntion, a compass, your weapon, a map and 4 comrades who survived the crash So basically you first have to find some equipement. Then find a method of communicating your status to command. Then you have to carry out your original orders. And with no or extremely limited backup from command due to all others forces being tied up with the invasion of Japan and S Korea.All this in a streaming map. So that there is a go anywhere do anything, make your own choices feel to the game. It would have incredible replay value and would make you feel like a real special ops team. The game could even include interrogation to gather further intel. The final act of the game would be the stopping of several tacticals nuked mounted on short range missilse planned for use on Allied forces during the invasion. And online play should include objectives that allow for more strategic play. Plus make both sides different so that each side has distinct advantages and disadvantages. For example the defending side is N.Korean and can call in artillery or air support to help defend their power station. While the Allied side has nightvision and satellite survelliance with heat signatures. And have the island be completely dynamic. Day to night cycles and random weather. Now that would be both an incredible single player and multiplayer game. And while im not a developer i cant see it being impossible to pull of. Far cry did a streaming island, so did test drive and oblivion. So the technology is there. It just takes the will on red storm and ubi to implememnt it.
  14. Heres my 2 cents, if GRAW 2 implemented the R6 cover system then GRAW2 would lose a large proportion of the hardcore GR players. The ones who have played GR since [GR] and GRIT. This franchise has been watered down steadily for the last few years to attract nooby casual gamers who dont have a clue what they're doing and have to hide behind rocks and walls to get kills. So now these people want to make it even easier by adding the R6 cover system, i suppose you want blind fire as well. Hell why dont we add in lasers and make it completely like HALO. If GRAW 2 gets any more nooby or less realistic than the already arcadey GRAW then i and alot of my 60 strong team will just go find another game. Rogue warrior looks like it could be the first tactical shooter on the 360, might give that a go if GRAW 2 hasnt made drastic improvements ( ie bigger maps, better positoined spawns, more spawns, no more gay assed night/thermal vision ). But i'll wait and see, i still have faith left in redstorm. But at the end of the day im sure ubi cares more about the casual gamers who pick up the game for the single player and maybe play a few hours online here and there than the clan orientated players who dedicate countless hours to the game. Which is fair enough, ubi is a business. They need money, but they shouldnt claim to be community orientated company if they are just after a quick buck. Plus i think there's money in keeping the online community of a game happy. If we dont play the online section of the game it looks dead. GRAW recently is a prefect example of this. GRAW online is a ghost town nowadays. Completely abandoned due to its lacklustre online play. Other games might be able to get away with 10 maps at launch but not GR games. I seriously hope this trend of less maps is reversed for GRAW 2. Come on redstorm give us back the GR games we love so we can forget about GRAW as a slight mishap.
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