Dedicated Server Memory Leak Fix

~ 0 min
2012-08-25 12:02

GRAW2 dedicated servers can lose as much as 200Kb/second due to a memory leak. This can mean a massive 700Mb/hour/per player.

This can be monitored by through windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del) - tab to 'Performance' or 'Processes' you can monitor the server memory usage.

Here you may see that graw2-dedicated.exe would crash with 'out-of-memory' errors.

After applying the following fix though memory usage will stablise at around 400Mbytes usage.

This fix also works with multiple instances and versions on the same server, in that: <threaded_renderer value="false" /> will not interfere with multiple instances  of the SADS setting up on a new thread if it’s available. For example there are reports of 4 GRAW2 servers in the same 4 core virtual machine and all 4 SADS are more stable after this fix.

Best of all this memory leak fix is simple to apply!

Navigate to your "Ghost Recon Advanced WarFighter 2" folder.
Edit the "context-standalone.xml" file and add the following line:

<threaded_renderer value="false" />

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